New Year, New Book

Goodbye 2011! It was nice, but I've got another friend, 2012, to see. Maybe I'll visit you in my journals sometime.
I finally started The Book. No, I don't have every detail of the plot figured out. No, I still don't really know what the setting looks like down to the last blade of grass, and no, the characters are still a little foggy in my mind. But I wasn't getting anywhere by complaining about how I wanted to write the book but I didn't know the characters well enough. I'd probably still be creasing my forehead over it if my mom hadn't said (in a nutshell) "Quit worrying about the book and just write it, for goodness sake!" I guess it will 'magically' come to me as I write. I'll just write and write without editing and without criticizing it all the time, and hopefully it will turn out. And if it doesn't, at least I'll know what shouldn't happen.
I started writing on January 5, I think and I'll write until it is done. *she says confidently*

First Line of Chapter 1:

I always used to imagine what dinner would be like if I had parents.



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