Real Snow

It's snowing for the first time this winter. Or maybe I should call it 'icy rain.' Either way, it looks like snow.

About a year ago, two friends of mine and I started writing a book. I wrote the fist chapter, then my friend, Rachel, wrote the second chapter. When she had written that, she gave it to our friend Moriah and so on. In the end, after many months and many 'Sorry I forgot to write... can I have one more week?' (mostly coming from me) we had thirteen chapters. We were so proud of it! We'd all put our own thoughts, ideas, and time into it and grown closer together throughout the process. I gave Rachel the book when we finished, for safe keeping, and then it faded into the background. We knew it wasn't done, of course, but we were rather tired of it at that point. Who wouldn't be?

Then six months passed and I started thinking about it again. After much begging, I finally got Rachel to unearth it from beneath the sedimentary layers in her closet. We got together to read it through again and maybe go chapter by chapter editing it. After some muddling through it, we realized it wasn't really a book yet. It was thirteen jumbled chapters of ideas with a confusing plot that changed direction like a GPS. We've had a few skype meetings, trying to figure out where this is going, but this is basically what's in front of us:

Before I start writing the second draft, I'm going to work out the plot background, history, and the world that the book takes place in. After that, I'll start writing.

This is is going to take a while, but my mom helped me realize that it's better than writing without something to write. Well, my mom and a failed first chapter helped me realize it.

As I look out the window, I'm so excited to find that the icy rain has turned into real snow!

p.s. Me: "Oooooh, I love the first snow! I'll make a neat video of it with gentle Christmas music in the background!!"
Sam: "No Christmas music until after Thanksgiving."
Video: *lame*


  1. Good Luck on the book Ruth! :)

    I Love snow until the day after Christmas. Then if it was up to me, it could melt away. ;)

  2. I wish we at least HAD some snow... it's all gone! *panic* And it's 6 days until Christmas! I WILL NOT HAVE A BROWN CHRISTMAS!!!! ;)


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