Story of My Life volume I

Plot summary: Girl is having a hard time working on group book, but really wants to finish it. Puts it off for a while but finally decides she will finish it, no matter how long it takes her. Gives up after a week when she realizes she has no idea what to write. Goes into a depressed slump. Friends tell her that they don't mind if she doesn't finish it. Righteous indignation! Of course she has to finish it! She begins to work out the plot with new zeal. Gives up when she's having problems reconciling 'nursery rhymes come to life' with 'dramatic story.' Turns to a book she started 2 years before and swears to finish it. Has a hard time rereading it because it's hard to read when you're busy laughing at complete lameness. Sets to work fixing up the story with a vengeance. Eventually stops because she can't think of any way to fix it.

The end?



  1. Very creative, but I always advise a writer to pick a topic they know something about....I can't see how you could write about a character like this....


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