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Getting Chummy

I was going to post some first-week-on-the-job photos with this post, but they'd get an R rating for graphic violence. I am using gifs to supplement. Yes, that's right, I started my new job at the cannery. It's a fish processing plant which, handily, is right across the street from where I'm living. (Remember the different kinds of salmon I wrote about last time? The kind we're processing is "chum," though you may know it as "dog salmon" or "keta.") I'm not exactly sure what my position title is, but something Assyrian would be fitting. "She-That-Rips-Out-the-Hearts-of-the-Helpless."(I never wanted to be a heartbreaker, but in the fish processing business, it's kind of unavoidable.) I feel a new kinship with the Evil Queen from Once Upon a Time. THE POWER Since Sasha and I started on Monday, we've mostly been working the "slime line." This is a misnomer and an understatement. It is a fish holocaust

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